There are many different exterior wall system for light gauge steel framing houses.
As for which exterior wall system is the best, there is no certain answers, It all depends on the local culture, climate conditions, building regulation requirements and your personal tastes.
Some one prefers to have render finish, some like old fashion style, some prefers modern
Generally speaking, the exterior wall system have to be insulated, waterproof, fireproof and even air ventilated based on the climate & building category requirement.
Exterior Wall System – AAC Panel
Render Finish Can be applied to AAC Panel, this exterior wall system combines with the air cavity which can achieve very good insulation requirement,

AAC Wall with cavity and steel framing
*Optional Cavity batten provides a good path for the air to be ventilated when connected to the attic space, which can also protect the house by taking away the leaked water/moisture.
Cavity batten can be tophat steel section, timber batten or even EPS battens. Normally a minimum of 20mm depth is required.
*Housewrap is kind of sarking material, there are different types, some of which can allow vapor to pass through, some doesnt. But all the sarking materials wont allow liquid water and air to get through.
Exterior Wall System – Fibercemen siding

fibercement siding finish with cavity and steel framing
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